• Question: Do you enjoy computing?

    Asked by Percabeth4ever2 to Andrew, Angela, Eleanor, Emma, Withdrawn on 9 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Andrew Pidgeon

      Andrew Pidgeon answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      I love it! Have you got a Raspberry Pi? You can program it to do literally anything in the world and its very interesting!

    • Photo: Angela Oliveira Pisco

      Angela Oliveira Pisco answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      Absolutely! The feeling that you can get the computer to work in the way you want is unique!

    • Photo: Eleanor Sherwen

      Eleanor Sherwen answered on 12 Mar 2016:

      Yes, I quite like it, I find it challenging and it doesn’t come to me naturally. But my partner is pretty good with coding so between the two of us we set up a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino Uno with some sensors to track the solar power our panels make and how the electricity is used in the house which was good fun.
