• Question: What is the most challenging project you've taken part in?

    Asked by TheRealPostmanPatSnipes to Emma, Andrew, Angela, Eleanor, Withdrawn on 7 Mar 2016. This question was also asked by 233b, Desmond the Moon Bear, MYA BAAAAAAAAAATES, 789mete27.
    • Photo: Emma Bradley

      Emma Bradley answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      Probably my current project working on Crossrail. It is a challenge because there are so many different people involved to make sure it all works correctly when it is done. Just think, to design a station you need to make sure that the trains can run through, and the train doors have to line up with the platform, but you have to build the platform before anyone is quite sure what size the trains are, and then you have to allow for ventilation, and you have to make sure the escalators fit, and you have to get power to the trains somehow, and you have to fit it all in the ground next to Oxford Street without hitting the Central Line or the Northern Line or annoying the local people too much! (I could go on, but we would be here for a long time…) Phew!

    • Photo: Andrew Pidgeon

      Andrew Pidgeon answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      I had to create a bespoke ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) system for the police around a high density city centre. The system had to be real time and keep 100% connected to networks for counter terrorism and criminal activity.

      It was a very large project and involved many elements such as government, technology available, engineering design, communications networks and of course the police authorities.

      It was very tough but also very rewarding at the end of completion.
