• Question: What is your favorite place to visit?

    Asked by gogochowchow to Andrew, Angela, Eleanor, Emma, Withdrawn on 9 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Andrew Pidgeon

      Andrew Pidgeon answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      I love the south of France! Have you ever been?

    • Photo: Angela Oliveira Pisco

      Angela Oliveira Pisco answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      I love Iceland and New Zealand, the feeling of being at the most extreme country of the world in either direction is awesome. Not too speak about scenic landscape, thermal and volcanic activity, northern/southern lights, oh I could keep going! 🙂

    • Photo: Eleanor Sherwen

      Eleanor Sherwen answered on 12 Mar 2016:

      The Natural History Museum in London.
      I just love it, I always used to go with my Dad when I was a kid. I still go with friends fairly often, I know the place inside out now. My favourite room is the Minerals gallery.
