• Question: (i love your fashion sense) how would you make a bus stop

    Asked by หลิง หลิง to Emma on 11 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Emma Bradley

      Emma Bradley answered on 11 Mar 2016:


      So…to make a bus stop I would stick out my hand 🙂

      To design a bus stop I would probably ask one of my colleagues in the highways department, because it isn’t really my specialism. However, I would imagine that you would need to think about how tall it needs to be, whether it obstructs the pavement for other users, ensure it is far enough away from the edge of the road that the buses can’t hit it, think about whether you will provide seating or a smart bus tracking board, think about how much shelter from the weather you need to provide….I could go on!

      Oh, if it is in London, it will also need to be graffiti proof!
