• Question: What are your views on politics?

    Asked by TOOCOOL4U to Andrew, Angela, Eleanor, Emma, Withdrawn on 10 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Andrew Pidgeon

      Andrew Pidgeon answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      I like it as I find it interesting (and funny when they argue in a posh way)

    • Photo: Angela Oliveira Pisco

      Angela Oliveira Pisco answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      What do you mean with views?
      I think democracy is a must and a fair society with equal opportunities for everyone is what we should aim at!

    • Photo: Emma Bradley

      Emma Bradley answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      Jeremy Corbyn is my MP. I saw him on a bike once…

      I feel like a lot of it is pointless posturing by a bunch of people who don’t really know what they are doing, and lack the logic and practicality to put any actual good ideas they come across into practice.

      We need more engineers to go into politics, but they are too busy changing the world by being engineers.

      I’ve just realised how harsh that all sounds, but I’m going to stick with it!

    • Photo: Eleanor Sherwen

      Eleanor Sherwen answered on 12 Mar 2016:

      I’m very interested in politics, I follow it pretty closely on the news and get involved in some environmental groups and stuff. I tend to be fairly left wing on most things, but it varies depending on the situation. I’m interested when it has the power to improve life for everyone, but it gets frustrating when it’s over-dramatised and I wish it would be more like engineering where everybody would sit down and look at the evidence, and work it out together. I think Emma and I share the same feeling here!
